Weekly Wrap-Up

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Last week was busy with 5 different work parties!

Tuesday Truman High School maintained an area down at Highland Park Way and West Marginal Way removing 2 cubic yards of material. The students also installed ‘purple traps’ for the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle. The traps are 15″ x 24″, purple, and non-toxic. The Department of Agriculture is using them to determine if the beetle, which kills ash trees, has come to this area. Look for them out in the Greenbelt.

Wednesday Alyssa came out to the Greenbelt and helped weed approximately 100 sq. ft. along the Highland Park Way, and then plant 14 Nutka Roses.

Thursday we hosted 2 different work parties. Truman came out from 9am-2pm, and planted 5 Douglas Fir, 2 Shore Pine, 2 Grand Fir, 3 Western Red Cedar, and 12 Nutka Roses that we had received from a local nursery at a discounted price. After planting the students sheet mulched 2000 sq. ft., finishing off the site at Pigeon Point that we’d started on June 7th.

Thursday evening our REI Vanpool group came out for their first visit to the Greenbelt this summer. They hiked through the Greenbelt and then weeded 800 sq. ft. along Highland Park Way.

Saturday 10 individuals came out to volunteer and enjoy the nice weather. We weeded over 800 sq. ft. and maintained another 800 sq. ft. down at Highland Park Way and West Marginal Way.

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