What better way to celebrate our 100th blog post…

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…than by telling you all about our awesome accomplishments at this year’s Duwamish Alive!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Duwamish Alive, it is a local coalition founded in 2005 of over 30 nonprofits, businesses, municipalities, and community groups within the Duwamish River Watershed which is working together to preserve and enhance habitat for people and wildlife, with a goal towards improving the health of Puget Sound. Nature Consortium is a key member and sponsor of Duwamish Alive, and we’re very proud of the work that we’ve accomplished together over the last several years! Twice a year DA coalition members work together to put on multi-site restoration events across Seattle and Tukwila. Our April event is usually our biggest as we come together to celebrate Earth Day, and this year we had a record number of volunteers! Check out some of these stats:
  • # of volunteers on April 16th: 1,130
  • Native plants installed: 2,828
  • Square feet of invasives removed: at least 93,000
  • Cubic yards of mulch spread: at least 117
  • Pounds of garbage removed: around 1,450
Great job, everyone! Here are some interesting articles on Duwamish Alive from the West Seattle Herald and the West Seattle blog. Also, the Seattle Times published a fascinating piece last month about the Duwamish River, which you can find here.
In other exciting news, the Duwamish Alive coalition learned shortly after our massive Earth Day event that we had won a prestigious Evergreen Award from the Alliance of Nonprofits! This award specifically recognizes outstanding collaboration amongst nonprofits, and what better example of the power of collaboration than Duwamish Alive? The timing was so serendipitous–it felt great to get such wonderful recognition right after all our work putting together our Earth Day event! Two co-coordinators of DA, Cari Simson of Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition as well as Nature Consortium’s own Amy Truax, attended the Washington State Nonprofit Conference last week to accept the award on behalf of the coalition. Pictures to come when we get them!

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