Clips of Faith: Photo Recap

Sharing is caring!

We had a blast at Clips of Faith last weekend. Thanks so much to everyone who came and helped make the event possible. We raised about $8,000! Here’s a recap through photos:

Instagram Photo Contest

This was our first time doing a photo contest, and we can tell you guys had a lot of fun. The photos were so great, we had to choose two winners. Each winner got a NatureC shirt and ten raffle tickets for the Fat Tire Ale bike.


Bikes, Bikes, and More Bikes

We’re really impressed with how many people biked to the event. The bike racks were full, and at the end of the night we raffled off this sweet Fat Tire Ale bike. Congrats to Johny for winning!

Photo by Rich Fought

Great Beers with Great Friends

Over 1,000 people attended the event at Gas Works Park. Some celebrated birthdays, some brought their dogs, and everyone had a great time.

Photo by Rich Fought  

The Films

11 great independent short films were shown on a 150-foot screen at the park. People cozied up on blankets to enjoy the show.

Photo by Rich Fought

Our Stellar Volunteers

We couldn’t have done this without our volunteers! They dressed in costume to help serve beer, sell beer tokens, set up and tear down the event.

Photo by Rich Fought

Thank You!

The NatureC staff had a lot of fun too.

More Photos

Check out our Facebook page for more photos from Clips of Faith.