GiveBIG for Nature Consortium

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Are you looking for a way to give back and support Nature Consortium? GiveBIG is a city-wide day of online charitable giving hosted by The Seattle Foundation to inspire Seattlites to give to the nonprofits that make our city great. When you give to Nature Consortium on May 15, your dollars will be partially matched!


How Does GiveBIG Work?

Every donation made between midnight and midnight on May 15, 2013 will be partially matched by the Seattle Foundation’s “stretch pool.” The amount of the “stretch” depends on the size of the stretch pool and how much is raised in total donations on GiveBIG day. All gifts of $25,000 and under will be eligible for the stretch pool funds.

In addition to the stretch pool, an anonymous donor is offering Nature Consortium a challenge match. They will match, dollar for dollar, what we raise on GiveBIG day – up to $2,500!

How Much Impact Can We Make?

Last year, over 37,000 people generated a stunning $7.43 million in online contributions to more than 1,100 local nonprofits. On May 15, we anticipate all records being broken both for Nature Consortium and our city. Help us reach our goal of raising 100 gifts on GiveBIG day

Special Prizes for 3 Lucky GiveBIG Donors

To keep things exciting, everyone who donates on GiveBIG day will be entered to win a stylish and cozy Nature Consortium hoodie. Will it be you? Random drawings will be held at 10AM, 4PM, and 10PM on May 15. If you don’t win in one round, you can donate again to be eligible for the next drawing. Keep your eyes peeled to our Facebook and Twitter pages as we announce the winners.

Win A Golden Ticket

Between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on May 15, The Seattle Foundation will select a donor at random to receive a GiveBIG Golden Ticket. The charity that received the selected donor’s gift will receive additional funds provided by The Seattle Foundation and GiveBIG’s generous sponsors. In fact, each Golden Ticket will earn the selected donor’s nonprofit an additional $1,000. That means that a $10 donation could become a $1,010 donation, just like that!

Golden Tickets also score additional prizes for both nonprofits and donors. Each winning nonprofit will receive a roundtrip airline ticket courtesy of Alaska Airlines, and donors will also win a Starbucks gift card worth $100!

Where Will My Money Go?

When you donate to Nature Consortium, you support vibrant communities, healthy forests, and creative youth. Nature Consortium brings people of all ages together to celebrate and nourish the arts, the environment, and our spirits. Your gift will help us restore habitat in Seattle’s largest forest, the West Duwamish Greenbelt, and inspire young artists and leaders in Seattle’s low-income neighborhoods. To learn more about the impact we make every day, cruise our website or social media pages for inspiring stories and fascinating facts.