COMING SOON: Nature Consortium Earth Day

Brown is back! Legendary nature and arts organization Nature Consortium returns for one day only! This event is being finalized and will open for registration soon!

It’s the 20th anniversary of the Green Seattle Partnership and to celebrate we’re honoring our roots as Nature Consortium, whose restoration and eco-arts programs merged into DNDA nearly a decade ago.

Join us at Pigeon Point Park for our Earth Day event. We’ll be continuing the restoration of this important park in the West Duwamish Greenbelt, Seattle’s largest remaining forest. Volunteers led by staff from DNDA and Nature Consortium will help remove invasive plants and spread wood chip mulch. We’ll have arts activities and live music in the woods featuring familiar faces from the Nature Consortium era.


Click here to volunteer as an individual
Click here to volunteer as a group

What to bring:

  • Please dress appropriately with long pants, warm and dry layers, closed-toed shoes and rain gear as needed. We work rain or shine!
  • Bring any water you might want during the volunteer event
  • If you have your own pair of work gloves, feel free to bring them. If not, we will have plenty
  • Signed youth waiver form, if under 18

What we provide:

  • Tools
  • Gloves
  • Light snacks
  • Training on restoration activity and safety talk

1901 SW Genesee St