Today we started on the last leg of the restoration of the Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail. We were joined on our first day by a fleet of 7th graders from University Prep. Our work was cut out for us: the piece of property we worked on was abundant in large untamed Himalayan blackberry and fields of Scott’s Broom. It was a mess but we did not tire…
By the end of the day we removed invasives from 7000 sq.ft., hauled away a quarter cu.yd. of garbage. After our school group departed, our other volunteers pressed on, removing another 600 sq.ft. of Scotch broom and Himalayan blackberry, coming to a total of 1,100 sq.ft. for the day. About 300 sq.ft. of that was spent digging up blackberry root balls on the slope you see in the pictures above. For a first day at the new site, we got a lot of work done!