Carla Moreno Joins Nature Consortium

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Carla Moreno, kayaking near La Push, WA

[Guest post by Carla, the newest member of the Nature Consortium family.]

Hi everyone, my name is Carla Moreno and I’m the new Arts Education Director here at Nature Consortium. I graduated with a Master’s in Music Education from the University of North Texas and taught in the public school systems for 13 years.

I was born in New Orleans and raised in Houston. I relocated to Seattle in 2007 and absolutely love it here!  I enjoy backpacking, kayaking, and reading a good adventure book. Some of my favorite authors are Jane Goodall, Kira Salak, and Cheryl Strayed.

I’ve done quite a few things in my life from auditioning as a quarter-finalist for the Jeopardy Clue Crew and singing with world renowned jazz artist, Jon Hendricks — to traveling to Jordan and meeting Her Majesty, Queen Rania and breaking my ankle on a solo hike, surviving hypothermia, and being evacuated by a 15 man rescue team all the while warding off a bear on the trail. Whew!

On top of Mt

Hiking on Mt. Blanchard

Nature Consortium’s goals and mission fit in perfect alignment with my personal and professional philosophy. Learning to take care of our environment is critical not only for me, but for future generations. As a musician, I value the connection between nature and the arts. To me, one cannot exist without the other.

I’ve only completed my first week here at NC and I have a lot to learn from the history of the organization and meeting existing partners, to building new relationships and the day to day routines of the staff.

When not here, I’m a vocal coach for the EMP Museum, consulting musicians/artists on social media, or just out in the woods hunting for Sasquatch. By the way, I think I’d be a perfect fit for Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot” team. Hehehe.

My favorite superheroine is Wonder Woman.
My favorite band is The Beatles.
My favorite food is anything. Seriously.

Well, there it is. I’m super happy and excited to be a part of such a talented and creative staff and am looking forward to new possibilities in store for our organization!!!


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