Nature Consortium announces partnership with earthbongo

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Nature Consortium announces partnership with earthbongo

Local nonprofit unites with action-based social philanthropy site to create projects that support community, environment

SEATTLE (October 25, 2011) – Eco-art nonprofit Nature Consortium is proud to announce a new partnership with startup social philanthropy group earthbongo. is a place where people all over the world can start and engage in their own projects that help improve their community and the world.

Nature Consortium is partnering with the company to create projects that raise environmental awareness, support the arts, and create community. “Underlying each of Nature Consortium’s projects is the idea that we can bring people together and create social change,” says executive director Nancy Whitlock. “We want to create an environment where everyone can find their own way to give back to their community, and earthbongo is the perfect place to do that.”

Users on earthbongo can create projects around energy, environment, education, social justice, neighborhood improvements, and more. From there they can invite friends to join and search for other projects to join based on their interests. Friends and strangers alike can contribute to causes and make a measurable impact on their communities.

Some of the projects center on group events, while many more ask members to complete a task individually and report back to the group. For example, to help increase urban tree cover, thirty people might attend a single tree planting event at a local park, or they could each plant a tree in their yard. Each individual contribution moves the project closer to its goal.

 “It can be tough to see that our individual actions make a measurable impact,” says earthbongo founder and CEO Barry Boone. “But what if there were a web site where everyone could see that individual actions really do matter?” On earthbongo, users can track the progress of their projects as more people join the campaign and report back on their efforts with photos, comments, and testimonials.

Currently, there are 110 projects on earthbongo ranging from recycling old electronics to fighting hunger or planting a native garden. Nonprofits looking to start or support earthbongo projects can create their own organization pages on the earthbongo platform. For-profit businesses can also offer rewards as incentives for members who complete their chosen projects.

“We see earthbongo as a way to engage Nature Consortium’s supporters beyond our existing programs by helping them discover new ways to support the environment and the arts in their everyday lives,” says Whitlock. “In that way, we can extend our reach and foster a whole community of people who share our passion and our vision of a more engaged and empowered society.”

“We’re hoping to see people and organizations everywhere get on board with earthbongo,” says Boone. “People can see that their actions, no matter how small, really do add up to help to make the world a better place.”

About earthbongo
earthbongo is a project sharing website that can help you create the world you want. Join others on simple projects that build towards big missions to change the world! Don’t see something you want to join? Create your own! Whether your focus is energy, education, social justice, local food, or the arts, everyone has something to contribute on earthbongo. We believe in the power of community to make our world a better place to live and work, and we know from experience that even small actions can add up to make a big difference. Visit

About Nature Consortium
West Seattle-based Nature Consortium is a nonprofit working to connect people, arts, and nature. They are committed to creating community by inspiring a love for the arts and a connection to the environment. Programs include a volunteer forest restoration project, free eco-themed art classes for youth, and the Arts in Nature Festival. For more information or to volunteer or donate, visit  



Monica Thomas
Nature Consortium
Outreach & Media Coordinator

Stephanie Ellis-Smith
earthbongo, Inc.
Marketing & Communications