Ode to Soundway: A love letter to Seattle's largest forest

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Save Soundway!

Save Soundway!

Soundway, how do we love thee? When we discovered Soundway, it was a messy, overgrown plot of land in desperate need of TLC. We dove into the mess of blackberry thorns and rallied our community to help clean it up. This year marks the two-year anniversary of Soundway becoming a city park, and it’s all thanks to our neighbors, friends, and supporters who have helped us over the years.

Over on our Facebook page, we’ve posted an album called Ode to Soundway with some of our favorite photos of volunteers, scenery, and critters at Soundway. Along with the photos, you’ll find inspirational quotes from our volunteers and some of our favorite nature poems. 

       [button link=”https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153040351715727.1073741829.128375300726&type=1&l=c0ba099be0″ color=”#0d89e0″ size=”4″ style=”1″ dark=”0″ radius=”0″ target=”blank”]View Photo Album[/button]

Please join us this Saturday for a community picnic in celebration of Soundway and the great volunteers that have helped make it great.

Picnic in the Park
Saturday, June 15, 10am-2pm
West Duwamish Greenbelt – Soundway
In south lawn at South Seattle Community College
6000 16th Ave SW, next to the south parking lot
Treats by Marination