What I Learned by Teaching

Sharing is caring!

A special message from Nature Consortium teaching artist Tara Migliore

Tara Migliore (left) leads an outdoor art activity in the West Duwamish Greenbelt Photo by Rex Lu

Tara Migliore (left) leads an outdoor art activity in the West Duwamish Greenbelt
Photo by Rex Lu

I came to Nature Consortium as a volunteer because their mission and programs resonated deeply with me. I believe that by using art and nature to bring people together, I can make a difference in my community.

Now, as a Nature Consortium team member and garden educator at Pathfinder K-8 School, I am able to bring that vision to life with students every week.

In our outdoor classroom, students grow and share healthy food, study science, make art, build community, and practice collaborative approaches to group work. Weaving all of these pieces together makes a powerful whole.

We are doing far more than gardening; we are sowing seeds for change and breathing life into our shared vision of a just, and ecologically sustainable world.

Please join me in making a gift to Nature Consortium today. Together, we can lead the way to a better world.

With gratitude,

Tara Migliore, garden arts educator

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