To Make the Dream a Reality, Act Now

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MLK Day volunteers

Volunteers from Alpha Phi Omega fraternity at the University of Washington

When NatureC staff came back to the office after our MLK Weekend of Service, we were beaming with happiness. We spent Saturday and Monday in the greenbelt removing invasive plants, installing native trees and shrubs, and mulching with nearly 200 volunteers in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  View Photos

Thanks From Our Volunteers

“I’m ecstatic about all the little kids I’m seeing in the volunteer photos for events today. Thank you parents for instilling civic responsibility and care for the earth in your little ones!”

“Thank you to every volunteer. I appreciate your efforts so much. You have made a difference. I love seeing the progress on our forest when I walk the ever-expanding trails and healthy understory. It is wonderful! Thank you!”

“It was very gratifying to be able to do a good deed to honor Dr. King.”

A Day of Celebration

In addition to MLK Day, people all over the country celebrated another historic moment yesterday – the inauguration of President Barack Obama. There were inauguration parties galore, as friends, family, and strangers, gathered to watch or listen to the ceremony. Even the televisions outside the fitting rooms at Macy’s were tuned in. Beyonce sang the national anthem, and news anchors seemed to be obsessed with Michelle Obama’s fashion choices.

In the President’s speech, he described how honoring struggles and aspirations of past generations can lead us into a brighter future. What I took away from the speech was a call to action. 


“It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete… We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. We must act, knowing that today’s victories will be only partial, and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years, and forty years, and four hundred years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall.” – Pres. Obama is his second inaugural speech

Working together on MLK Day

Working together on MLK Day

Turn Dreams into Actions

If we’re going to make real progress toward battling climate change, poverty, and other injustices, we must act 365 days a year, and we must do it together. The best way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other pioneers who have built this nation’s dream, is to work toward that dream every day. MLK Day, Inauguration Day, New Years Day, and other holidays like this are not just days to celebrate the past, but to envision the future. 

We must turn our dreams into goals, and then turn our goals into actions. It’s the only way for a dream to become a reality. As President Obama goes to work in his second term, so must we on working toward our dreams. 

Think now: What can you do every day, week, month, or year to make your dreams happen? Ending poverty, slowing climate change, or event a personal goal can seem like impossible tasks. But these are not things that we have to do alone. In fact, we shouldn’t. 

Volunteer. Make your voice heard. Make it happen.

“With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history, and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.” – Pres. Obama is his second inaugural speech

Related Links

Obama inauguration adds extra meaning to MLK DayThe Seattle Times
President Obama: You have the power to set this country’s course – EcoWatch
Sierra Club to engage in civil disobedience to protest tar sands – EcoWatch

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