Weekend work parties

Sharing is caring!

We had two work parties this weekend, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. On Saturday, we had a cool group from Arbor Heights Community Church, as well as some of our regular volunteers. On Sunday, the youth from Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) joined us for a few hours and brought some yummy fried chicken to share with us.

Overall, it was a great weekend for invasive removal. Over the two days, we removed a total of 1800 sq. ft. of Himalayan blackberry, 400 sq. ft. of English ivy, 250 sq. ft. of Scotch broom, and 1 cubic yard of trash. On top of that, we spread 1,125 sq. ft. of mulch. Needless to say, it was very productive weekend.

Thank you to Amy Denio and Ben Yarges who shared their musical talent with us while we worked.

STLF volunteers hauling away a pile of Himalayan blackberry

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