Art Blog

Kicking off the 2020 Summer Youth Program

By DNDA Staff | July 29, 2020

With school out and the sun high in the sky, July marked the beginning of our annual Summer Youth Program (SYP). Typically, SYP is a lively 8 weeks of summer programs that include swimming, painting community murals, soccer tournaments, Family CampOuts, and more. It is something that West and South Seattle youth, families, and DNDA…

Summer Youth Program 2021: Intern with Us or Sign Up for Classes

By DNDA Staff | June 16, 2020

Summer Classes: SYP 2021 As the Summer approaches, we are thrilled to offer once again the SHA Summer Youth Program! These classes will be held outside and virtually, with many supplies provided for participants. We welcome kids who live in the High Point, NewHolly, and Rainier Vista neighborhoods to join us for a summer of…

Connecting Through Virtual Art Programs: The DNDA Art Challenge

By DNDA Staff | May 4, 2020

  Create, create, otherwise we are lost. This statement is inspired by choreographer Pina Bausch’s most famous quote “Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost.” In an unprecedented time, this sentiment changes in meaning. To create during adversity is a means of persisting. To create now is a means of reflecting on the past so we…

Art for the People and the Planet

By DNDA Staff | February 4, 2020

Art for the People and the Planet: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service To honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., DNDA with United Way hosted a day of service at Pigeon Point Park—a green space embedded in the Delridge Neighborhoods. Volunteers signed up for a day of forest restoration*, but little did they know that the EcoArts program in partnership with the Nature Consortium had crafted…

A *Flurry* of Holiday Crafts at Croft

By DNDA Staff | December 19, 2019

It’s almost the end of 2019—and what better way to celebrate than with a series of holiday craft-making classes! To round out this year’s programming at Croft Place Townhomes, teaching artist Molly Duttry and the EcoArts Program Coordinator Madison Bristol facilitated art classes centered around the season, which included canvas painting, block printing cards of gratitude, making…

Meet DNDA’s EcoArts Program Coordinator!

By DNDA Staff | December 2, 2019

  Imagine you are in a forest grove underneath a tunnel of intertwining branches. The afternoon light is trickling in through the leaves, highlighting the forest bed—if this autumn had been any wetter, this clearing could in fact be a stream. Now, insert children’s laughter, tables full of art supplies, cut-out paper salmon, and an atmosphere…