Nature Blog
Living Legacy: Duwamish Tree Planting Honors Dr. King
Every year on MLK Day, Nature Consortium hosts a day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to celebrate his legacy of environmental justice. As we raise awareness of the important issues facing us today, events like these engage the community in making concrete change. By restoring forest habitat in the West…
My Special Family Tradition
Nature Consortium’s Arts in Nature Festival was my first experience with the organization. On a summer’s day in 1998, my pre-adolescent sons and I happened upon this colorful, eclectic event taking place at Lincoln Park. We joined in the fun surrounded by music and laughter, and then, in the afternoon, a sudden HUGE downpour of…
Sharing A Little Love With Friends
A special message from Nature Consortium volunteer Allison Vasallo Growing up near redwood forests in California, I discovered my love for cool and shady forested hikes. As a transplant into the Pacific Northwest, what drives me now is the understanding of the important role salmon play in our ecosystem from the coast to all the…
What I Learned by Teaching
A special message from Nature Consortium teaching artist Tara Migliore I came to Nature Consortium as a volunteer because their mission and programs resonated deeply with me. I believe that by using art and nature to bring people together, I can make a difference in my community. Now, as a Nature Consortium team member and…
Announcing Our New Executive Director
The past year has been a year of transition for Nature Consortium. It was a year ago that I initially took leave of my position as Executive Director. I enjoyed a wonderful break and had time for more family-based and self-reflective activities. The staff continued carrying forward the mission while encountering a few bumps…
Volunteers Wanted for Planting Season Kickoff in Local Forest
SEATTLE – On October 18, hundreds of volunteers will come together in a day of environmental cleanup called Duwamish Alive. Volunteer events will take place at 11 sites along the Duwamish River to help repair the damaged watershed ecosystem. Duwamish Alive is a bi-annual event organized by the Duwamish Alive Coalition, a group of community,…