Nature Blog

Thank you to our donors!

By DNDA Admin | May 18, 2009

Nature Consortium is working to restore a part of the Longfellow Creek watershed on land owned by Allstar Fitness. Funding is provided by People For Puget Sound, Nucor Steel, and Nature Consortium. This site is now undergoing maintenance (weeding and mulching) which will continue through the summer.Left: Nature Consortium volunteers at the Allstar Fitness site.…

Open Day May 2

By DNDA Admin | May 4, 2009

Today was a great day for restoration. We worked at the Cooper site on maintenance and invasive species removal. We spread mulch over about 1,120 sq.ft. of land and applied 30 mulch rings to our plants, as well as maintaining 30 preexisting mulch rings. Next we worked on getting rid of the English ivy. We…

Youth Service Day 4/25

By DNDA Admin | April 27, 2009

Saturday’s work party marked the annual Global Youth Service Day, and we celebrated with another great weekend of work. The day was spent at the 14th & Holly site with the University Child Development School (UCDS) and other community members. The Mark Smason Band entertained us while we worked on site maintenance, mulch rings, and…


By DNDA Admin | April 27, 2009

Thank you to everyone who came out for our Earth Day event with Duwamish Alive! and Earth Corps. The event was held at our Cooper site (Pigeon Point Park) on Saturday, April 18th. We had a great volunteer turnout – over 500 people including corporate groups and student organizations. Volunteers were divided into 20 groups…

March 27: Explorer School

By DNDA Admin | April 1, 2009

A few kids from Explorer Junior High School joined us on March 27th for a work party at our Cooper site. We removed 170 sq. ft. of Himalayan blackberry and spread 509 sq. ft. of mulch – all before lunch. After eating pizza with the kids, we removed 750 sq. ft. of Scotch broom and…

Weekend work parties

By DNDA Admin | March 31, 2009

We had two work parties this weekend, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. On Saturday, we had a cool group from Arbor Heights Community Church, as well as some of our regular volunteers. On Sunday, the youth from Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) joined us for a few hours and brought some yummy fried…