Nature Blog
Restoring the Natural Areas at EC Hughes
As we enter the new year of 2023, DNDA will begin a new journey with E.C. Hughes Park! This is the newest restoration site added to our contract with the Green Seattle Partnership. One of our goals is to engage local community members to work in areas like this that have been unstewarded for many…
Edible Nature in Seattle: Evergreen Blackberry Edition
Many of our volunteers show up to our events already familiar with the invasive plant commonly known as Himalayan blackberry. But far fewer have encountered its closely related and also-invasive cousin Evergreen blackberry. We have only documented it at two of our restoration sites, but it is widely distributed around the Pacific Northwest. Below is…
Planting Season is Almost Here!
The sleepy summer months are over and planting season is rapidly approaching! October is one of the biggest months of the year for our restoration program. Many of our dates are already full but we still have space for volunteers at a few other dates. We are still looking for folks to join our Tuesday…
Connecting to Longfellow Creek
On Wednesday, September 21, DNDA and our community partners hosted an event at the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center focusing on the history and importance of our local creeks. Connecting to Our Creeks featured guest speakers from a variety of local organizations. Ken Workman of the Duwamish Tribe, spoke about the tribe’s connection to the…
Longfellow Creek Diaries Project
DNDA in partnership with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, Tom Reese, and the Duwamish Alive Coalition has launched the Longfellow Creek Diaries Project to collect community memories of the creek. The iconic Longfellow Creek runs the length of West Seattle. From its headwaters at Roxhill all the way to Elliot Bay, Longfellow Creek is an important part of this…
A Summer of Environmental Justice
This summer, DNDA launched and facilitated a new Environmental Justice Summer Youth Program based at Roxhill Park, which ran from July 5 to August 25. Through this program we engaged with a cohort of youth interns ranging in age from 14 to 16, most of whom were from Seattle Housing Authority’s High Point community in…