Neighborhood Blog
Join the All At Once community with DNDA and Jack Johnson!
Our organization is teaming up with Jack Johnson on his 2017 Summer Tour and All At Once, a social action network connecting nonprofits with people who want to become active in their local and world community. All At Once promotes sustainable local food systems and plastic free initiatives and encourages action through the Capture Your…
Delridge Wetlands Design Process: Final Plan Coming Soon!
As the design process is coming to a close, the future of the Delridge Wetlands Project is bright! Here is a recap of the Delridge Wetlands and an update on all of the design work that has gone into this community gem! Located on 23rd Ave SW and SW Findlay St, the Delridge Wetlands is…
Delridge Wetlands Design Community Open House!!!
Please join DNDA for a Community Open House as we welcome our design team from Pomegranate Center to share their proposed design for the Delridge Wetlands Park! At the Open House you will have opportunity to see how the input of educators and project partners has been woven into an overall design. We will be…
Salmon Eco-Sculpture at Folklife!
Join Nature Consortium to make a giant salmon sculpture with recycled and various materials at this year’s Northwest Folklife Festival! By creating this Salmon Eco-Sculpture together we will breathe life into old materials, connect nature and art, and think critically about sustainability and Eco-Arts. Through this project we are hoping to raise community engagement and public awareness about natural connection and…
GiveBIG a HUGE Success – Thank You!
Now more than ever we want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year’s GiveBIG donation drive for local nonprofits hosted by The Seattle Foundation. With your support, a whopping total of $5,208 was donated to DNDA— exceeding our goal of $5,000! Your thoughtful gifts support our vision of a…
Showing the Love – GiveBIG Early Giving Starts Today
Every spring, The Seattle Foundation hosts an online day of giving – GiveBIG – galvanizing nonprofit supporters across the Puget Sound. Collectively, the Greater Seattle community has raised $75 million for local nonprofits. This year’s GiveBIG is Wednesday, May 10, and here at DNDA we want to take the opportunity to give you – our…