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Meeting Jack Johnson at the Gorge

Are you a Jack Johnson fan? We sure are! Every time Jack comes to town to perform, he donates a portion of the concert proceeds to local environmental nonprofits. Nature Consortium is proud to be among his list of hand-selected local nonprofits for nearly five years! In 2008, Jack Johnson created All At Once, an…

Discovering Wildlife in the Busy City

As August begins and I celebrate my 2 month anniversary as the Forest Restoration Director at Nature Consortium, I am taking time to reflect on what I’ve experienced here. I have had the pleasure of working with over 200 volunteers thus far, including Boeing employees, French software developers, local high school students, a church group,…

The 2013 Annual Report is Here!

In 2013, the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association celebrated a year of evolution and growth. We’ve been working hard to bring improved housing services to the Delridge corridor, increase local civic engagement, and expand community arts programming at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center.  But our organization is nothing without the involvement of our community, which is…

Eco Arts Summer Camp 2014

This summer, Nature Consortium hosted an Eco Arts Summer Camp for youth at Yesler Terrace and Rainier Vista. It was a smashing success, and we had a jam packed week exploring art and the outdoors. The Rainier Vista camp kicked off with a walking field trip to Cheasty Greenspace, a forested park in the Columbia…

Delridge Mural Project in Progress

Earlier this month, DNDA and Youngstown launched the final phase of the Delridge Mural Project, inviting youth participants to work alongside professional teaching artists to design and create a large public mural across from the Delridge Skate Park. We are now midway through the program and participants have already taken great strides in the creation…

Youth Performers Impress at Totem Star Open Mic

Last Wednesday, June 25th, I attended the Totem Star Open Mic Solstice Celebration, not really sure what to expect of the evening. I work at Youngstown during the day, and had heard snippets of students’ rehearsals, but had no idea what the performances would be like. As it turned out, the variety of genres was…

Building Leadership in the Arts

  Her bubbly smile and positive attitude are contagious. When you meet her, you’ll know exactly what we mean. Carol R. Williams is the newest member of the Nature Consortium team. She brings more than 20 years of experience working with youth, young adults, and teachers in arts education and job readiness programs. Her list…

The Delridge Mural Project

The Delridge Mural Project is a Youngstown art program that brings together volunteers, local youth, and professional artists to help beautify the Delridge neighborhood with original artwork. After a great start in 2013, we’re gearing up for another summer project at Youngstown! Last summer, youth participants worked with artist Andrew Morrison to paint murals on twelve traffic signal boxes along Delridge Way. As…

Community Spotlight: Kelli Frances Corrado

Kelli Frances Corrado is a dark-folktronica singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and occasional visual artist who you will find frequenting the halls of Youngstown on an almost daily basis. Kelli teaches music classes to students of all ages, including lessons in guitar, vocals, and songwriting, and holds many of her lessons here at Youngstown. As she puts it,…