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Spring! Has it sprung? Is it springing?

The air has turned (somewhat) warmer, the rains are (maybe) diminishing, and are those tulips I spy poking out of the ground? Could it be? Spring is…here??! This Indian Plum certainly seems to think so! At our work party yesterday up at Pigeon Point, we got to see some lovely oemleria cerasiformis (that would be…

Plants, plants, and more plants!

Planting season is in full swing here at Nature Consortium, and we certainly have our work cut out for us! We currently have about 4,000 bare root plants that need to get put in the ground as soon as possible. We’ve already put hundreds in the ground over the last few weeks and it’s time…

Martin Luther King Jr Day work party a success!

For in the true nature of things,   if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. –Martin Luther King, Jr   In honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day, Nature Consortium held two volunteer work parties. Martin Luther King Jr valued service as…