SHA Summer Youth Program
The Summer Youth Program (SYP) is produced in partnership with Seattle Housing Authority at NewHolly, High Point and Rainier Vista.
DNDA offers our summer camp curriculum and year-round programming in conjunction with partners at SHA housing sites, building arts skills and athletic ability while supporting environmental education and bringing youth together in a positive environment.
In 2018 we hosted the first annual youth soccer tournament as part of SYP programming at High Point and New Holly and it was a major success! SYP may also include arts and environmental programs like music lessons, EcoArts projects, cooking, visual art and family events like the overnight family campout at Camp Long.
Click on your neighborhood below to read more about the summer programs happening in your community!

Summer Activities
2022 Youth Speak Up and Speak Out Writing Program
Welcome to the Summer of 2022 Youth Speak Up and Speak Out teen writing workshop website. Below is writing from our 2022 teen cohort who participated in DNDA’s Summer Youth Program in High Point. These students are 14 to 17 years old and this is their first time writing an article. They’ve learned to interview and craft a story about another person. Please enjoy the student articles!