Delridge Wetland and Stewardship Project
Creating an Outdoor Classroom
We are creating a strong connection with our local area schools. Our work with schools focuses on classroom visits to the site. Staff of DNDA and our contractors have gone into the classrooms and presented information on the project, the role of wetlands in the watershed and how water moves throughout the region. Outdoor Classroom Design has worked directly with teachers to develop Lesson Plans, developed activities for the site visits to expand upon classroom instruction, and together Outdoor Classroom Design and DNDA have supported specific projects with the students that have been unveiled at Project Based Learning Night at STEM.
Our Louisa Boren STEM students participate in and monitor different aspects of the Delridge Wetland Park’s ecological restoration. Each grade has a different curricular goal illustrating wetland function and recovery.
- Our 3rd graders explore what conditions make a wetland and how plants and water interact to make a unique ecosystem.
- Our 4th graders explore erosion and storm water dynamics on a watershed scale as they are relevant to salmon and the health of our wetland.
- Our 5th graders monitor and interpret the progress of ecosystem restoration at the wetland, share this information with other students, community and future classes.
Examples of student work: