Nature Blog

Ivy Removal

By DNDA Admin | May 21, 2008

Today we were visited by a home school group that has developed into a monthly volunteer team. The ages usually range from 6-13. Six kids and 4 adults joined Tom and I today. Tom focused on maintenance weeding of Blackberry from the west side of the trail at 14th and Holly between the Honey Bucket…

Trail Restoration, Mulching and More

By DNDA Admin | May 19, 2008

We hosted another 3 days of events in the West Duwamish Greenbelt since the last entry on the 14th of this month. Temperatures reached the nineties and it has been sunny and a little humid. Scarlet Tanagers and a rabbit were spotted on the Sound Way Property last week and recently an owl pellet and…

Sheet mulching

By DNDA Admin | May 14, 2008

It was cloudy all day today and it got unusually humid this afternoon without a glimpse of the sun. Our line up today was Jim and Kenny from 8:30 till 2:30, then Alisha, Josh, and Calvin from 4 till 6. All in all, we sheet mulched 1000 square feet 4 inches thick. Most of the…

Truman High School

By DNDA Admin | May 13, 2008

It’s raining today and not the typical misting but actual rain drops are falling out of the sky since at least 9 this morning. Truman High, Kenny, and Jazz came to 14th and Holly today. Jazz, Kenny and Heidi focused on removing Herb Robert (Stinky Bob) along the trail from the entrance to 150′ North.…