Neighborhood Blog

The Delridge Mural Project

By DNDA Admin | June 20, 2014

The Delridge Mural Project is a Youngstown art program that brings together volunteers, local youth, and professional artists to help beautify the Delridge neighborhood with original artwork. After a great start in 2013, we’re gearing up for another summer project at Youngstown! Last summer, youth participants worked with artist Andrew Morrison to paint murals on twelve traffic signal boxes along Delridge Way. As…

Give Big to DNDA on May 6th!

By DNDA Admin | May 1, 2014

GiveBIG is almost here! The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG is a one-day, online charitable giving event encouraging people to give generously to nonprofit organizations who make our region a healthier and more vital place to live. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make your donation go even further to support your community. How? Each donation made to DNDA/Youngstown through The Seattle Foundation’s website between…

Nature Consortium has Deep Roots at Youngstown

By DNDA Admin | April 28, 2014

Nature Consortium has been a long-time tenant of the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, and we look forward to many more years of partnership and programming. Nature Consortium’s Marketing Content Specialist, Monica Thomas, wrote the post below to let you know a little more about what Nature Consortium does for the community. Nature Consortium at Youngstown,…

Arts Corps is Flourishing at Youngstown

By DNDA Admin | March 13, 2014

When newcomers visit the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, they are often surprised to learn that we provide office space for several arts-focused nonprofit organizations. These in-house nonprofits not only call Youngstown home, but also help develop Youngstown youth programming and use Youngstown community spaces for classes, workshops, and fundraisers. One such nonprofit is Arts Corps, which…

Thrive Success!

By DNDA Admin | March 7, 2014

Last weekend, Youngstown friends and neighbors gathered to celebrate the eighth year of our cultural arts center with a night of music, food, and revelry.  As families started to filter in, the movement studio was abuzz with excited kids, eager parents, and the squeaking of balloon animals.  The evening began with live music from Eli…

The Thrive Comes Alive!

By DNDA Admin | January 30, 2014

Youngstown Cultural Arts Center is celebrating our eighth year of your local arts and culture hub, and we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to let the families and friends of West Seattle cut loose.  The Youngstown Thrive on March 1st will be the second major event held by Youngstown since I began working…