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New Year, New Frontier(s)
Welcome to 2021, everybody! On the long list of things we’re excited about in the new year is the opportunity to start working in some new parks around Delridge and West Seattle. We update the list of sites where we work each year, periodically adding and dropping locations. Sometimes there are logistics or administrative reasons…
Park Profile: Longfellow Creek 01
Life is a lot quieter this year as Seattle works and shelters at home. One notable exception is public parks and other outdoor spaces, which have for many become a valuable escape from the indoors. This has led public health officials to warn about large parks becoming overcrowded, and in some cases being closed during…
Launching Family & Tutoring Programming in Delridge
Same Values, New Beginnings: DNDA Launches Family and Tutoring (Virtual) Programming in Delridge Communities We are proud to announce that DNDA is partnering with King County’s Best Starts for Kids initiative to develop intergenerational, needs-based programming in the High Point neighborhood and DNDA affordable housing properties. DNDA’s new Delridge Family Connections Program allows youth and families…
2020 Summer Youth Program is A Wrap
As fall weather comes in and students go back to school, our Summer Youth Program (SYP) has come to an end. SYP is always an exciting program full of outdoor barbecues, art, swimming, and family campouts, but with Covid-19, our program went digital. Despite the many challenges, we were able to bring a successful Summer…
Thank You for An Amazing Brunch!!
THANK YOU to those who joined us on Sunday Oct 11th for Cabin Fever Brunch Bash, our first-ever DNDA virtual party and fundraiser! For those who missed it, here’s what happened at our event: A tour of the Delridge Wetland Park Remarks by Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal Music by Daniel Pak Music by Clinton Fearon Poetry…
Park Profile: Brandon Street Natural Area
Life is a lot quieter this spring as Seattle works and shelters at home. One notable exception is public parks and other outdoor spaces, which have for many become a valuable escape from the indoors. This has led public health officials to warn about large parks becoming overcrowded, and in some cases being closed during…
In the Kitchen with Christina: A Series Wrap
We recently said goodbye to Christina Bjarvin, our environmental outreach specialist for the last year, but she left us with a parting gift: one final episode of her YouTube series In the Kitchen with Christina. In the Kitchen began in March as the team at Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association went into lockdown along with the…
A Growing Project
Gardeners in the Puget Sound lowlands have begun to see the fruits of their early season labors as Seattle enters its beloved days of bluebird skies and balmy nights. While many of the things in our lives have changed during 2020, the ability to tend to a plot of soil, plant seeds, and grow food…
Park Profile: Soundway
Life is a lot quieter this spring as Seattle works and shelters at home. One notable exception is public parks and other outdoor spaces, which have for many become a valuable escape from the indoors. This has led public health officials to warn about large parks becoming overcrowded, and in some cases being closed during…