


Shannon (she/her) is an incredibly proud parent to a precocious aspiring singer/songwriter, comic book artist, and comedian. They spend much of their time outside in the dirt and mud, dancing through puddles, and singing loud enough for all Delridge to hear. With her daughter by her side, Shannon works daily to be a housing-for-all champion. As a former single parent, affordable housing helped lift her into stability. That stability paved the way for who she has become today leaning into Mother Teresa’s quote, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

Shannon has almost two decades of finance experience, working in many different industries and with professional artists and designers, and 8 years of experience in affordable housing development and preservation. She is currently the Director of Operations for Integra Property Group, an affordable housing developer with 42 Section 8 and 23 LIHTC properties in 18 different states. She is well-versed in LIHTC and Section 8 compliance, property development, and construction monitoring. Occasionally, you might find her reading IRS tax code for fun. She started her community organizing career in high school with the Future Homemakers of America, leading in the charge to change the name to Future Career and Community Leaders of America. She later went on to form a Diversity Task Force at her university in 2002, working with the administration to draw in and support more students of color. After college, before her daughter was born, she used her experience to support the Exposure Photography Collective and the Boulder Maker Space.

When Shannon had the incredible fortune of being introduced to DNDA she was longing for community. Within the first few moments of joining the board, she knew she had found her people, a place to belong, and most importantly a place to be a force for change where she could use her experiences, professional and personal, to join in the effort to make Delridge a thriving community.

Board member since September 2015

Current: Board President; Executive Committee (Chair); Finance Committee (Member); Property Development Committee (Chair); Board Development Committee (Member)

Integra Property Group, LLC - Director of Operations since April 2016

Evelyn Shapiro

Vice President Evelyn Shapiro

Evelyn’s (she/her) record of service-based activism demonstrates a life dedicated to justice, equity, and community development. She was raised in a Jewish and Irish family from Chicago and Detroit with a deep heritage of civil rights and social justice organizing. A self-described "community service nerd," she fundraised and built houses with Habitat for Humanity throughout high school, inspiring her next career and eventual involvement with DNDA.

After working on key union organizing campaigns, Evelyn’s travel to Central America, as an international election observer, deepened her understanding of international inequities.

Evelyn's passion for building led to a near-decade career as a journey level carpenter, contributing to impactful projects such as hospitals, schools, art centers, and sports stadiums. Transitioning to union staff, she led a regional department combating wage theft in construction, producing substantial legal victories and policy reforms particularly benefiting immigrant workers and union members.

Evelyn’s leadership skills were recognized within the United Brotherhood of Carpenters Union, where she made history as the first female principal officer in the United States. Evelyn's tenure was proudly distinguished by her successes towards improving workers’ wages and benefits, addressing high industry suicide rates, and promoting racial equity.

Currently, Evelyn’s business focuses on strategy, development, and accountability in mission-driven organizations. She's an advocate for equity in workplace benefits and a proponent of healthy conflict as a means of organizational growth. Evelyn’s collaboration thrives with colleagues that are smart, kind, curious, and humble. DNDA has a knack for attracting exactly this kind of rich experience and humanity.

She admires DNDA’s unique commitment to the arts, environment, and low-income housing, through a lens of racial and social justice. Her connection to the Delridge community is enriched by over two decades of living along the Delridge corridor.

Evelyn's home life, shared with her partner, two teenagers, and a noisy hound dog, celebrates Pacific Northwest beauty. She frequently invites others to nature-infused "walking meetings" that spark creativity and effective solutions both personally and professionally.

Board member since 2023

Board Vice President; Chair of Board Development Committee

Curiosity Growth Labs

MJ Sumida

Treasurer MJ Sumida

MJ (he/him) is an Indigenous FN Accountant born and raised in the PNW. Coming from a father who served on SPD for 20 years and Filipino mother both retired in the military, Michael knows first-hand the difficulties of living in Seattle with a multicultural background. From a very early age, MJ was interested in Finance and how money works, when it occurred to MJ that he’s never seen Natives, Filipinos or Japanese represented in the finance industry as something that needed changing.

Michael spends his free time with his family, 3 yr. old daughter Catalina and co-parent Christina. When he’s not with his family he can often be seen doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at his local gym or working on language revitalization and cultural restoration within his community. Michael Is Huu-ay-aht FN from Vancouver Island BC.

Army Veteran served 2 tours in Iraq. (2006-2010)

Graduate of St. Martins University with bachelor’s in accounting.

5 years of experience in nonprofit accounting and affordable housing development in the Seattle area for indigenous houseless relatives.

Experience in Rapid Acquisition of Salmon Berry Lofts low-income building in DT Seattle.

Board member since 2024

Board Treasurer; Chair of Finance Committee; Development Committee Member; Executive Committee Member

Chief Seattle Club as Accountant III



Sam (he/him) grew up in a small Maine town, regularly exploring nearby woods and tidepools. This early connection to nature was fed by off-grid summers on a mountain in California, where he was also inspired by his grandparents’ love and generosity to always pursue ways to help others. An explorer by nature, Sam has traveled the world and lived in all corners of the US. He’s lived in West Seattle longer than any other place aside from his childhood home and has been inspired to develop the relationships here that are necessary to support everyone who calls this neighborhood home. While he doesn’t consider himself an artist, Sam does enjoy expressing his creativity through making ice cream and playing guitar with friends. Arts, and music in particular, have always provided a source of inspiration and emotional validation for Sam. He’s thrilled that his kids have more artistic ability and aspiration than he does!

Sam has a background in environmental sciences, science education, and non-profit management, as well as construction and property management.

For Sam, DNDA embodies the practice of acting locally while thinking globally. The issues that DNDA addresses through its numerous programs and affordable housing, combined with its emphasis on community building and empowerment is a model for creating more equity, sustainability, and justice.

Board member since April 2018

Board Secretary; Board Development Committee Member; Executive Committee Member

University of Washington, School of Oceanography

Adam Hyla E. Holdorf

Adam Hyla E. Holdorf

Adam (he/him) believes that each of us exists to develop our skills and sensibilities to the fullest, so we can better serve each other and the planet.

Adam has more than two decades of experience as a communications and public policy professional in Seattle, first as an Americorps/VISTA housing and consumer finance advocate with the Low Income Housing Institute, then as a journalist covering local and regional issues of social justice for the Real Change weekly community newspaper, then as a communications strategist and team leader at the statewide advocacy organization Children’s Alliance — roles in which he has had the opportunity to gain experience in team leadership, organizational development, facilitation, communications, project and program management, research, and public engagement.

By virtue of its equity-focused mission, Children’s Alliance also allowed him to understand how racism shapes our life prospects — not just the interpersonal animus or unconscious bias, but the generation-spanning effects of inclusion/exclusion, wealth/theft, and approbation/erasure that have shaped/are shaping the lives of generations.

A Delridge resident and father of two, he enjoys guiding a wheelbarrow through the urban canopy of the Longfellow Creek watershed, pulling up blackberry vines, and replacing them with thick beds of fragrant mulch. He also enjoys walking, biking, and running throughout Delridge — having roamed the fields and forests of rural Oregon as a kid, he loves doing the same near home or further afield.

Board member since 2023

Board Member; Property Development Committee Member; Finance Committee Member; Board Development Committee Member 

amy young

Amy Young

Amy (she/her) lives in West Seattle with her partner Lisa and two teenage kids. Amy and her family love living in West Seattle because of the easy access to Puget Sound and our amazing parks, bike paths, and of course, Alki Beach!  Amy grew up in Minnesota and loves the outdoors and all forms of boating - kayaking, paddleboarding, sailing, and getting out and exploring the beautiful Puget Sound Islands and marinas.

In her work life, Amy is the lead communication and marketing professional at the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center at the University of Washington. The Center is the research hub for all the amazing work being done at the now 35 Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers across the country.

Amy has been with DNDA for over 6 years now and loves being a part of the DNDA family and community.  DNDA has the ability to pull you in and make you feel like you’re part of something great!  Every year, DNDA has grown and expanded its impact on our community, and Amy is proud to be part of an organization that leans into challenges and brings the community together.

Board member since 2018

Board Member; Programs Committee Member 

Zen Cloud Consulting


Domenica Lovaglia

Domenica (she/her) moved around a lot as a child, living in 6 states before she was 7 and a total of 18 houses before she was 21 years old. That kind of frequent displacement as a small child had a lasting impact on her ability to form and sustain relationships in her early adult years. But she also experienced a bit of juxtaposition with that because when she was 10 her family moved to a very small community and stayed there through the rest of her primary and secondary school years. A small town of only a couple thousand people, where everyone knew everyone else, and with all its limitations and issues, people really did take care of each other in a way that one doesn't often see in a large city anymore. West Seattle has helped her recreate that experience in her adult life and it’s been an amazing place for her to live and thrive for almost 30 years now.

Domenica’s experience is varied in different sectors but her most relevant skill sets employed in her work with DNDA are project management, business management, real estate, and fundraising along with a lifelong love of art and design.

DNDA is an amazing agent for bringing people together and helping to build and sustain the kind of community she experienced growing up in a way that is inclusive of some of our most vulnerable neighbors, mission-driven and future-focused. DNDA brings the three critical areas of a good and healthy life, Art, Nature, and Neighborhood, together in a way that no other organization does. Domenica has witnessed and benefitted from some of the most profound and innovative programs and experienced some of the sweetest moments and proudest accomplishments of her life while on this board. Domenica sees that has gained more than she could ever give to the organization, the board members, and the staff that she has worked with over the years.

Board Member


Kevin Duong

Kevin Duong

Kevin (he/him) grew up in the Rainier Valley, Rainier Beach neighborhood loves the diverse community and local business especially ethnic food! He enjoys walking and relaxing in the Kubota Garden seeing different plant shrub varieties change over the season with a beautiful koi fish pond. Kevin spends a lot of time giving back to community volunteering building relationships in the community.

Kevin is a community outreach & engagement specialist, he has a strong connection with the Vietnamese community bringing resources and support to his community. Such as in language helping with billing, paperwork, sharing information, community feedback on certain projects & looping back, nature walk, environmental education and taking sustainable actions.

Kevin loves the mission of creating and keeping the neighborhood as vibrant and resilient as possible through affordable housing, arts, and protecting/growing green space. He is passionate about making an area resilient and thriving and currently what he feels will do is first keep the community here and support the community healthy. Kevin can contribute ideas, stories, wants/needs that he hears from the community to help DNDA make decisions. Kevin would love to contribute his time to support community outreach & engagement work with DNDA.

Board member since May 2023

ECOSS - Senior Outreach Manager since 2015


Kim Schwarzkopf

Kim (she/they) is a Producer, Filmmaker, Mom, Co-Leader of River City SkatePark, Founder of a youth mentoring program called Across the Bridge, and a long-time neighbor of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center and Longfellow Creek. When Kim isn’t producing films or advocating for skate parks, you can probably find her at her favorite dance fitness class, taking scenic photos, spending time with her family, or walking her GranDog, Sammy, along Longfellow Creek!

After visiting Seattle in the early 90s to snowboard and be closer to her Grandma, Kim fell in love with the amazing parks, arts, and cultural diversity. It felt like home, so she planted roots and started to think of how to give back and contribute in a meaningful way.

Building a healthy community is critical to Kim. She loves connecting with others and thinking deeply about peace and what it takes to have sustainable peace. Her focus has been on creative ways to reduce violence and increase peace in ourselves, families, and schools through economic justice, conflict resolution, and fighting for free and public green spaces. A shared vision makes working with DNDA a natural alliance, and what really seals the deal is DNDA’s commitment to supporting the leadership of young people in all things art and nature!

Board member since May 2022

Board Member; Chair of the Program Committee; Board Development Committee Member
