Neighborhood Blog

Race Series: Nurturing the Environment and Food Access RECAP

By Communications Team | July 9, 2018

On Saturday, June 16, about 60 community members gathered at West Seattle’s beautiful Camp Long for DNDA’s 5th event of the Let’s Talk Race Series: Nurturing the Environment and Food Access. The day began as guests walked through a timeline path that demonstrated how colonialism, slavery, the Doctrine of Discovery, and other historic events have…

Recap: Let’s Talk Race Series: American Housing and Economics

By Communications Team | May 14, 2018

This past Saturday, May 12th marked the fourth event in DNDA’s Let’s Talk Race Series: American Housing and Economics. The workshop began as guests followed a timeline of United States history around the room and were then led through a brief account of American history and how racial hierarchy has impacted our economic system. Participants…

Thank You for Giving BIG!

By Communications Team | May 11, 2018

The grand finale of GiveBIG has come and gone! This past Wednesday, May 9, the greater Seattle community participated in the last year of GiveBIG–an online day of giving held by the Seattle Foundation. GiveBIG was especially big this year thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor–every dollar donated to DNDA was matched, up…


By Communications Team | May 1, 2018

On Saturday, April 28, the auditorium inside the High Point Community Center filled with eager residents of the West Seattle community and beyond to learn more about Islam in DNDA’s third event of the Let’s Talk Race Series: Understanding Islam. Two engaging facilitators opened the discussion with the importance of their names in shaping who they are. They…


By Communications Team | April 2, 2018

We are proud to share with you that DNDA has been awarded $20,000 from Seattle’s Office of Economic Development Only in Seattle 2018 grant! The grant is part of a collaborative effort between the Office of Economic Development, Department of Transportation, and Department of Neighborhoods to support the health of small businesses in various Seattle neighborhoods, and the communities…

DNDA’s Hiring

By DNDA Admin | March 21, 2018

Director of Housing and Properties This position provides oversight and direction for all DNDA properties, including oversight of property management contracts, management of property funding relationships, administration of government reporting, and representing DNDA on issues pertaining to DNDA properties. This position is expected to adhere to the mission and values of DNDA, and will be…