Integrating Art, Nature, and Neighborhood to build and sustain a dynamic Delridge.

DNDA collaborates with local creatives and organizers to develop projects that engage young and diverse communities.  Many of these programs are held at DNDA's historic Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, which houses an alternative high school, nonprofit offices, affordable room rental rates, and 36 affordable live-work spaces for artists of all disciplines.

DNDA also supports integrative art programming through the EcoArts Program and the Arts In Nature Festival.

2022 Impact


Youngstown Visitors


Youth-Created EcoArts Projects

DNDA is committed to restoring, preserving, and protecting our natural habitat by developing community stewards.

Our Urban Forest Restoration Program works with volunteers at more than 10 parks in West Seattle, and our Delridge Wetland Park improves the local watershed while providing an outdoor classroom for youth environmental science lessons.


2022 Impact


Restoration Volunteers


Square Feet Cleared of Invasive Species at Delridge Wetland Park

DNDA provides affordable housing for local artists and low-income families at seven properties in the Delridge corridor. All of our housing options are less expensive than for-profit buildings so that families with lower incomes can always live in Delridge.

Our Let's Talk Race Series challenged institutional racism and foster a culture of belonging and respect by connecting community organizations and individuals through film, dialogue, storytelling and restorative justice.


2022 Impact


Affordable Housing Units


Low-Income Residents Served



A vibrant tabletop filled with watercolor palettes, brushes, and colorful artwork in progress, showcasing the creativity and expression of participants during an art session.

Celebrating the First Anniversary of Art Classes at Youngstown!

Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association recently celebrated the first anniversary of our Watercolor Mixed-Media Art Program! The popular, free intergenerational Wednesday...


A group of event attendees stand around a 3D map of Longfellow Creek made of recycled materials. One participant is adding to it using glue and small objects, and the others are looking at the map and at other participants standing around the table.

Diving into community at Fishy Fables: Event Recap

  A group of event attendees stand around a 3D map of Longfellow Creek made of...


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Partnership Event with Seattle Children’s Theater: Recap of the Circle of Love Workshop

From right to left: Ranny Nguyen, (DNDA Engagement) Aiyana Mehta (SCT Engagement), Thelma Lynn Godin (Book...